Introduction / Junior Level: Python Development and Python Programming Fundamentals course by MTF Institute
135 116
Get your dream role as a Data Scientist by following this go-to guide that covers all essential end to end topics.
167 146
Boost your Data Science Career by developing these crucial Non Technical Skills & become a Successful Data Scientist
93 81
Make your own music compositions from datasets without any prior musical or programming knowledge, for FREE !
81 76
Improve your Team's performance and effectiveness using this most popular Agile Framework : Crystal.
88 74
Foundational Course for Quantum Computing and Quantum Programming using Microsoft Azure Quantum, Q#, CLI, VSC & Python.
118 104
Learn how to effectively use ChatGPT as a Data Scientist and make the most of this revolutionary AI tool : ChatGPT
155 135
Learn Machine Learning Concepts, Build your Model & get accurate predictions without writing any Code using Qlik AutoML
120 109
Now write your Python Code Snippets directly in HTML - Taking Web Development to a whole new Level !
162 136
Start building engaging, impactful & secure websites with a low-code platform - Microsoft Power Pages
147 125
The 'Extra' decentralized web that puts you in control of your Data and Identity
119 110
All in one tool for Data Engineering, Data Factory, Data Science, Data Warehouse, Real-Time Analytics, and Power BI !
83 74