Within the next few minutes you can be working right alongside me to create your very own website.
Even if you have never had any previous website experience before, this course is exactly what you need.
If you can write a simple document on Microsoft Word or similar, then you are good to go.
I dont fill the course with fluff and try and pad it out to make it look like a long intensive course.
I cover in detail every step you need right from the outset.
Got your domain name yet?
No problem. I show you how to choose it as one of the first things and I even show you how to register a domain name and set up your hosting.
If you dont know what that is or how to do it, dont panic. I explain it all in a few minutes and you see exacty how easily its done, each and every step. No technical jargon.
By the way, this is not a series of videos with me talking behind a load of powerpoint slides telling you what to do.
I don't tell you what to do, I show you. This is filmed using Camtasia studio and it shows you exactly what to do, every step I take, every mouse movement, every click.
I show you where to click, what to fill in, where to go next.
What are the requirements?
You dont need anything other than a computer and an internet connection.
No experience or knowledge is required - everything is shown in this video course
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 30 lectures and 3 hours of content and help and support from me directly answering any questions you have as promptly and professionally as possible.
What is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to create their very own website for whatever reason. Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Individuals, Students, Employees and even kids. The youngest person I have taught this to is 10 years old and farming and tractors mad!
No matter what age you are of what country you are from... this is for you.
See you shortly.